Real Poland 1:1 v0.01
Very accurate and detailed created area in Poland
Realistic road width and realistic road prefabs
Realistic companies with real names
Realistic 1:1 time scale
Pedestrians crossing the crosswalk
A lot of custom models
And more!
DLC Dependencies:
Going East, Scandinavia, Vive la France, Italia, Beyond The Baltic Sea, Road To The Black Sea, Iberia, West Balkans
Admin: Jakiś Bartuś
Mapper: Jakiś Bartuś
3D Artists: Teksit, 3BiT, Jakiś Bartuś
2D Designer: 3BiT
Other Credits: Michaleczeq, Adam J, PfalzMapper, HuberT, DamianSVW
Admin: Jakiś Bartuś
Mapper: Jakiś Bartuś
3D Artists: Teksit, 3BiT, Jakiś Bartuś
2D Designer: 3BiT
Other Credits: Michaleczeq, Adam J, PfalzMapper, HuberT, DamianSVW
Download Link: Download mod