Hungary Map 0928a Hotfix & New AI by Indian56 – Update [1.33.x]
I updated the Hotfix and AI test mod to ETS 2 game version 1.33!
New update (27.11.2018):
– fixed minor or major bugs in the previous update!
– Hotfix only includes compatibility fixes, some new models and AI.
I recommend re-downloading!
Compared to the previous release (1.31), with the exception of some new models and sound effects,
as well as file format switching, there is no change in the package!
The information is the same as in the previous release — I will not write down them again now!
The mod contains 2 scs files, one (HM_0928s_def_hotfix_1.33.x_byIndian56.scs) is the Hotfix,
the other (HM_0928a_new_AI_test_1.33_byIndian56.scs) primarily uses the
new AI (Electricity, HÉV, various trains and level crossings), but also many new models I’m not telling you now!
*This mode requires HUNGARY_MAP v0.9.28a by Frank007
Lecsó’s video it can help in use!
Use mod at your own risk as it may contain errors.
It is worth to be careful when it comes to level crossings.
Activation sequence (very important):
HM_0928a_new_AI_test_1.33_byIndian56.scs (< top)
HM_0928s_def_hotfix_1.33.x_byIndian56.scs (< replaces the original "hungary_def.scs" file !!! )
hungary_base.scs (< bottom)
"Hotfix" and "AI Test mod" can only be used together!
(I do not usually issue a mode that may not work flawlessly, but after more and more people are "pushing",
I thought that as many people as possible test it, maybe you can filter out the bugs as soon as possible!)
Frank007, indian56
Download Link: Download mod