BMW 760LI V12 1.28.X
– ao coating
– cabin light
– cabin accessories
– custom v12 engine sound (select 6.0 v12 engine option for engine sound)
– 8 forward gearboxes (as they are correct)
– YouTube post on the back can be detached and worn
– 4 different inteiror options (select as slot)
– gallery on DAF
– the car was actually made by my closest friend and alican (alex745alejandro) my brother’s car and game.
– the car model belongs to me, I tried to sum up the 760s with my own efforts.
-Since I could not find the proper interior, I used the m5 interior and played it, made the 760 original indicator and animation.
Mod producer: BurakTuna24
inteiror Model: Diablo
special engine sound: Quaken
bmw_760li_alex745alejandro_alican_byBurakTuna24.7z – 49.6 MB