BMW M5 E39 FIX 1.34.X
→ 2 Cabin.|(Normal & Camouflage)
→ 1 Chasis.|(Paintable & Tuning)
→ 2 Engine Option.|(5.0 MPerformance & Skoda2)
→ 1 Gearbox.
→ 1 Rim & Whell.|(M5 Original)
→ All Colors not working.
→ Lightmask working.
Game Features;
→ Works at 1.31.|(Lower Versions Not tested.)
→ Showing in all galleries.
FİX: Semih Köseoğlu
You can get it from the DAF gallery.
NOTE: If you receive a tab error Type g_susp into the console, then press “TAB”.
Type 0,1 at the end of the completed word and press “Enter”.
Salahov, Semih Köseoğlu
Bmw_M5_E39_Fix.rar – 46591508