Double Decker Setra 432 DT Bus + BD Skin HD Texture [1.31.x]
euro truck simulator 2 games patch version 1.31.x
Mercedes Setra 432 DT BD double-decker bus+ BD greenline skin mods
this. This replaces workshop paint job skin. no changing anything
How to installed green double-decker BD Skin
#1 First Download zip file and extract the full zip file
#2 Copy both scs file from extract folder
#3 go to document euro truck simulator 2 then mods folder
#4 past both file into the mods folder
** first active setra 432 DT bus then skin
#5 Open euro truck simulator 2.exe file
actives mods file and enjoy the Hanif bus skin and HD texture
green line bus.
Download Link: Download mod