EAA Bus v1.3
Mod include:
– Brazil is added to part of the European map
– The economy has changed, leaving only passenger charges on the Brazilian side of the map
– 4 buses were added to the mod – VW Idealle, Elegance 360 G7 1200, G7 DD 1800(errors free)
– Tolls with the band of the free right to pass the bus with toll collection
– The passenger load was changed to not cause harm to engage the load
– Engines and actual transmissions
Changhes in this version:
– Fixed Elegance sounds
– Adapted for 1.19
Full list of cities:
– São Paulo
– Peruíbe, Santos, São Paulo, São José dos Campos, Taubaté, Aparecida, Tatuí, Sorocaba, Botucatu, Avaré, Ourinhos, Campinas, Jundiaí, Americana, Limeira, Piracicaba, Registro, Bauru, Valinhos e Guaratinguetá.
– Rio de Janeiro
– Magé, Itaborái, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Resende e Volta Redonda.
– Paraná
– Curitiba, São José dos Pinhais, Paranaguá, Palmeira, Ponta Grossa, Irati, Prudentópolis, Guarapuava, Laranjeiras do sul, Castro, Piraí do Sul, Tibagi, – Santo Antonio da Platina e Rio Negro.
– Santa Catarina
– Joinville, Itajaí, Mafra, Lages, Canelinha, Florianópolis e Criciuma.
– Rio Grande do Sul
– Vacaria, Canoas, Porto Alegre e Osório.