SKS Buspack (Full Version)
One of the most famous real-life projects from Sksbus Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. is available in the world of Euro Truck Simulator 2 from now on.
=> Download the file => Follow the instruction to copy and paste the file => My Documents > Euro Truck Simulator 2 > mod.
=> Showroom => DAF
=> Number of Dashboard => 4 (Hino RN, Hino 1J, SCANIA & MAN)
=> Chesis => Multi Axle and Bi Axle
=> Number of Steering Wheel => 3 (HINO, SCANIA & MAN)
=> All Skins and Stickers of the Operators from Bangladesh are available=> 27 Skins
=> Version => 1.31, 1.32 & 1.33
Great Project Without Any Doubt.
This project belongs to ETS 2 BD Creative Zone team. Project Developer : Yuli Indrayana Credits:Rindray Art Design, Sk Jobair Hossain, Imtiaz Anik, Sagor Rahman, Aditto Nibir, Fahim Auvro Skin contribution: Sagor Rahman, Imtiaz Anik, Shihab Zaki, Fahim Auvro, Aditto Nibir Banner: EURO TRUCK SIMULATOR 2 BD CREATIVE ZONE
Download Link: Download mod