Egyptian GPS Voice in Egyptian Dialect 1.1
Experience an Egyptian Dialect GPS Voice by Abdo Ibn Egypt
Works in Single Player Offline and TruckersMP Online with easy setup
Full installation guide available in the video
1 Download the file from the original link
2 Extract it and you will find
SCS file for Single Player Offline use
Alternative setup for TruckersMP Online using plugin_files
3 Open plugin_files find the version matching your game then extract it and copy the two files inside
4 Go to the following directory
steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x64
5 If there is no plugins folder create it manually
6 Open the new plugins folder and paste the copied files inside
7 You will find a folder named Egyptian_GPS_Voice_by_Abdo_Ibn_Egypt_in_Egyptian_Dialect open it and copy the two files inside
8 Navigate to the following directory and paste the files
steamapps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_x64\plugins\ts-fmod-plugin
9 Open and add the following name
Egyptian_GPS_Voice_by_Abdo_Ibn_Egypt_in_Egyptian_Dialect then save the file
10 Launch the game and follow the setup instructions in the video
Abdo Ibn Egypt
Download Link: Download mod
By second time I did download mod from abdo. ibn egypt and… once more, ot didn’t work. Maybe I’m doing something wrong…
I put the mods together Prods (it is said they work together) and didn’t work…
Put only the four files of mod pack and didn’t work…
I’m usinf ets2 1.53.