Real Traffic Density and Ratio v1.43.a by Cip (1.43.x)
It’s the only traffic mod which added motorcycles, sport and classic cars as separate type of vehicles (available of course if you use these packs). These vehicles will therefore spawn following their rules, regardless the numbers of packs used.
My traffic mod is also the only mod which brings a separate speed class for emergency vehicles and also for motorcycles and sport cars, which will drive with increased speed wherever possible (speed limit is not given by road signs). Other Ai can also break the speed limit at random basis with a certain value, up to 35% of the speed limit. Ai cannot drive faster than their limit set in their files, therefore this rule won’t really apply to trucks but rather for cars which keeps things very realistic
it’s the only traffic mod which managed to keep low traffic and minimal issues on merging to motorways at very good density overal
– Speed limits for existent Ai vehicles is not affected, my mod only changes speed limits for emergency, motorcycles and sport cars
– Semaphore cycle was improved to match with increased traffic density (yellow duration after green is also increased you don’t need an additional mod for this) from 1.38 1×2 and 2×1 roads have longer green for 2 lanes roads vs the one lane road within the same crossroad
– Slow vehicles can be seen with low density in traffic only in roads with 1×1 lanes and with higher density on country roads
– Classic cars and motorcycles can also be seen on country roads with low density and reduced speed
– Ai can overtake on simple continuous line on 1×1 roads
Changelog v.1.43.a:
– adaptation for ETS2 1.43
– slow vehicles allowed only on SCS areas
Download Link: Download mod
even with this small size, you’re not able to keep the original downloadlink when re-uploading ? 🤨😯