MAP OF ROMANIA V9.1 (1.26.X)
Map Ro mania – Ver sion v9.1 for Euro Truck Simulator 2.
Changes in Version 9.1
– new vehicles in traffic (new facilities)
– Trains and new coaches
– tractors with multiple trailers
– we Vehicle traffic
– restored gates animated
– part time special vehicles (with flashing lights and (or) sounds)
– Romanian vehicles are more frequent
– trains stopping places
– corrected errors in map
Changes in version 9.07
– Restores all city limits to improve traffic.
– Marit traffic where it was absent or very little.
– Marit traffic at night.
– Added animated gates to the garage’s OHAHA (only trucks are parked in garages, not trailers)
– Adding water traffic.
Note: Make sure that the manager mods. map has higher priority than the way the trailer.
Changes in version 9.05
– new and redesigned vehicles in traffic frequencies.
– Only vehicles parked on roadsides are more frequent at night, except toward entertainment ..
– we animated gates.
– Corrected problem with the color of the Logan MCV.
– Exhaust fumes modified tractors.
– Modified police car drivers and passengers.
– Corrected errors in map
Note: Make sure that the manager mods. map has higher priority than the way the trailer.
Changes in version 9.02
– new trailer
– corrected errors in the map
Other ways are those of version 9.0 !!!!!
Changes in version 9.01
– new vehicles in traffic (new facilities)
– Trains and new coaches
– tractors with multiple trailers
– we Vehicle traffic
– restored gates animated
– part time special vehicles (with flashing lights and (or) sounds)
– Romanian vehicles are more frequent
– trains stopping places
– corrected errors in map
Important: For those who have weaker PC is recommended not to start any more ways than paper because you will have a lag.
If you activate the traffic you will notice a large consumption of resources and a stuttering. A video seen in my portions where we lag heavy traffic and where there is no traffic trouble.
– Map of Romania require activation and the trailer’s way.
– The Map of Romania, if you have activated map, it is necessary to create a new profile, and game mode, select romania.mdb
– Modes season should have higher priority as a map.
– Traffic Some vehicles have attached specific engine sounds.
– The total number of drivers is increased to 494
– Name drivers are Romanian.
– There are new designs or edit existing ones.
It added a new feature in the game, changing automatic modes season. Details in
If you want a specific season, extract it from the folder Season mode and activate it.
It is increased maneuverability in winter, and now, you do not have snow in tunnels!
And precast intersections, as winter driving are similar to drumusile.
They are remade models, some are new map corrections and crashes are eliminated in beta due to wheel trucks and trailers.
Important !!! Thanks to compatibility with dlc, to start a new profile must select the game mode <> romania.mdb otherwise you will not have the map.
Check if the game mode selected will appear <> romania.mdb If not, you have to start a new profile.
As new models are present, we recommend PCs with as much memory. For those who have not, reduce the resolution and / or graphic details to avoid memory problems.
Way to use the additional traffic, according to the resolution and graphic details, you must have at least 8 GB RAM installed in the system.
Important !!! Because of changes to “bank” to not have problems “reimbursements” is REQUIRED to start a new profile.
Tested on 1.26
Elyxir, Alin2008Todor
Harta_Romaniei_V_9_1_For_Ets2_V_1_26.rar – 4.4 GB