Map of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
Map of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. v1.24
Rio de Janeiro or abbreviated Rio (port of Rio de Janeiro, just -. January River) – a city in Brazil, the administrative center of the eponymous state.
Map autonomous, when creating a profile, you must select the gaming unit: Rjmap.mbd
Fashion content:
-On The south of the map is mainly dominated by the city at the head of the administrative center of the State: Rio de Janeiro.
-Sosredotochena Main logistics.
-Large Multi-level interchanges.
-Industrial And transport infrastructure.
-On The north of the map is dominated by countryside and beautiful mountain landscape with winding roads.
-On The map, you can find a hidden road.
To install the map files in the manager (bottom – up numbers!):
– Rjmap_modbus.scs
1. Rj_map_b3_map.scs.
2. Rjmap_b3_prefab & more.scs
3. Rjmap_b3_def & mat.scs
4. Rjmap_b3_model_04.scs
5. Rjmap_b3_model_01.scs
6. Rjmap_b3_model_02.scs
7. Rjmap_b3_model_03.scs
Archive events added: Cameras_rj.scs
Put at its own discretion.
From add modes for passenger transport: Pasajeros_V4_World.scs
Tested on version ETS2 1.24
Probably will work on version 1.23
Author Rj
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