This is a complete map of Romania with 42 cities, all the main cities from every county and 3 from Bulgaria.
LOG 1.1
– added 3 bulgarian towns: Shumen, Varna and Ruse connected with Giurgiu and Constanta.
– added romanian specific cars (Logan, Duster, Sandero, old Roman bus and the granny Dacia 1310), MCV Yellow Taxi with passangers, thanks to Todor Alin (and Jazzycat for some models)
– fixed police spawning at more than reasonable level. Removed sound and lights from it.
– fixed Oradea-Hungary connection, the end of it was in different sector than the one i saved.
– created “city centre area- specific city center vehicles” for all 45 cities. (no add-on needed)
– reworked some parts of the map for redendering reason.
– removed 3 invisible walls from 3 companies/dealers yard.
– other design fixes.
The map was tested alone
or with TSM and RusMap together and it’s working fine. NO additional file needed.
The Southern Region works also probably. For SR you can use also the Constanta-Ferry package for Promods, i have a ferry active in Constanta too.
Not Promods compatible.
The load order it’s in the downloaded package.
And also keep in mind this has less than 190MB!
Special thanks to Todor Alin for materials and support.
Special thanks to FLD for his excelent models and prefabs.
All DLC map needed! WHY?
For this reason:
Every DLC has new prefabs and materials in it: buildings, roads, vegetation….When you build a map you look to create diversity and for that you need options to choose.
You don’t want a city with a sigle type of apartments building or all the cities to look the same.
This is why we need DLC’s, for new materials they bring. And to play a map with those materials you need that DLC too.
Arayas – 182.1 MB