RUSMAP 1.8.1 (v2.3 fix for 1.34) 1.34.x
Added two borders of posts between Belarus and Lithuania-Latvia and Russia.
Partially restored original roads and added new sections of roads-single primers with imitation of bumps and without, new roads-connect the Baltic and Rusmap.
Who loves nature will like the trip.
Partially built roads by pattern in the map editor, but not like in a Google map, a similarity of 50% 50 is possible.
It was not connected with other cards except the Southern region and Kazakhstan.
To connect with other cards you need to test-dare.
Partially removed extra sector sectors from DLS maps.
Find visual errors, write in comments-description + screen and where is the shortage.
There are no new cities and only new roads and old roads have been restored from what remains then restored.
Version 2.3 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.33.x, 1.34.x):
Added three original cities from Rusmap, Porkhov, Priozersk, Sortavala.
Changed the point of the border between Vilnius and Minsk.
Minor fixes.
Traffic is also not fixed unfortunately.
With promodes 100% no compatibility due to DLS Baltics
As a reward, you can thank Sberbank-4276-2600-2570-9980.
Folders def and map with replacement!
Fixed by Kish88. map author aldim @ tor
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