Southern Region Map v7.9.0 [1.35.x]
“Southern Region” map – to visit the south of Russia!
“Southern Region” is a new free project dealing with the development of the
map of the South Federal District of Russia for the “Euro Truck Simulator 2”.
This card is perfect lovers of Russian atmosphere, the atmosphere of the South.
New version 7.9.0:
– Adaptation for 1.35 and DX11
– Cosmetic changes in Krasnodar, Rostov and almost throughout the entire map
For the game version: 1.35.x
*Required DLCs: “Going East”, “Scandinavia”, “Vive La France”, “Italia”, “Beyond the Baltic Sea”
Supported modifications:
RusMap , ProMods , Russian Open Spaces , Great Steppe , jazzycat traffic packs
Unsupported modifications:
modifications that change the time of year
Game world: SimKA, Afonya161
Resources: RusMap, SimKA, klipstoeun8839, Koral, OSTeam, FLD, TZ, jon_ruda, Jazzycat, Afonya161, Vladzz-G.
Ferry for ProMods 2.40 and 1.34 (still works with 2.41 and 1.35!)
Support for SiSL’s Mega Pack for the KamAZ
Thematic KamAZ paintjobs by Konstantin Udovichenko
Garage fix for certain cases*
Patch for english names by David2849
*If you play with ProMods or other mods containing the file game_data.sii, and you need
to purchase or upgrade one of the company garages (located in Krasnodar, Kropotkin,
Rostov-on-Don etc), then enable this fix above all active mods.
After all changes to the garage, the fix can and should be disabled.
Game world: SimKA, Afonya161
Resources: RusMap, SimKA, klipstoeun8839, Koral, OSTeam, FLD, TZ, jon_ruda, Jazzycat, Afonya161, Vladzz-G
Download Link: Download mod