Better traffic flow for Promods 2.16, Rusmap 1.7.2, their connecition, EAA 4.2.x and Hungary map are updated.
Main goal: This mod is mostly designed to those players who like high traffic and are bored with one lane-interchanges and stopping on tolls. However, high traffic causes traffic jams and slower traffic flow. My mod will increase the speed/fluidity of the traffic flow through the following modifications:
– I added semaphores on almost all crossroads where are at least 2 entrances with 2 lanes. I am sorry for traffic lights in air, adding poles takes too much time. For me, the most important is that semaphores are working.
– I replaced most of one-lane interchanges with two-lanes of same type.
– I removed barriers from all tolls which had no lanes for electronic payment. (optional on Promods)
On Promods, there are more little things for better traffic flow.
Link will lead you to page where you can choose files which you want to download, ask any question, report bug/crash and follow my work. There are all my mods.

Brainiac – 111.1 MB

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