Brazil EAA Map AI Traffic Fixes v2.3
AI Traffic Fixes for EAA Brazil Map
Must be placed in higher priority than the EAA Brazil Map.
Changelog v2.3:
* New country definitions for South Korea Adventure Map v5.0 so you won’t see Brazil police cars spawning in the countries included in that map.
* High intensity headlights from stock AI traffic plus EAA’s Volkswagen Constellation and Scania P changed to default intensity
(now not insanely bright)
* Brazilian police in AI traffic will now only appear in Brazil
* Magic mark bugs fixed for AI traffic in certain Brazil countries
Compatible for and tested on version 1.21.1 with EAA Brazil Map 2.9
No errors in game log.
Will not work with 1.22.x until Brazil EAA Map has been updated to new patch
Drive Safely
Brazil_EAA_Headlight_and_Police_Car_fixes_v2.3.scs – 124 KB