Compatibility: 1.26.xx. + Vive la France DLC
Version: 1.1.1
Changelog 1.1.1:
Fixed abnormal France’s toll behavior. If toll places do not charge you, it’s a map related problem. The prices for the new toll places are set in map files not in definitions files. Wait for map updates from respective developers.
Changelog 1.1:
Speeding ticket price increased to 30 EUR (prior 10 EUR).
Speeding ticket probability is now 90% to simulate non-functional or broken radars.
Hired drivers will now quit on the 10th day if no truck assigned to them. This will allow truck reassignment between hired drivers with full leveled “distance” skill.
CoInsurance minimal payment is now 500 EUR (prior 200 EUR). Insurance evaluation rate are now more noticiable.
Changelog 1.0:
Real Fuel Prices from Dec 3 2016.
Increased “No lights lights at night” traffic fine to 20 EUR (prior, 15 EUR).
Added information about CoInsurance in mod description and readme.
Semaphore yellow light time increased to 4 seconds interval to reduce red light fines due no enough brake distance.
Included fines information sources inside the package.
Changelog 0.9.1:
Added Coinsurance (Thanks Piva)
Added new information in “mod_description.txt” and “readme.txt” about changes made by this mod.
This mod is designed for maximum realistic simulation purposes.
Keep in mind that every career is hard at the beginning and the $$ are low. Every mistake can cost you more than a few $$.
Enjoy the journey, get experience and conquer the road transportation empire.
This mod changes:
– General income
– Costs
– Fuel prices
– Loans
– Garage productive goals
– Truck wear and tear
– Add CoInsurance (reduce repair costs according with your driving habits)
– Police Fines prices
– Skill Progression
– Cargo Validity
– Hired drivers experience evolution
Please, check readme.txt (inside the package) or Mod Description for detailed information about the changes made by this mod.
K_Realistic_Economy_Mod_V1.1.1_Vive_La_France_Patc… – 60 KB uploadfiles.eu/sharemods.com