With Realism V7.5 you have:
1) Available on-line purchase without buying of truck.
2) Improvement of the sound of the rain and of the thunder (thanks to American-Express).
3) No fee of hiring.
4) Increase of the speed of all the vehicles AI.
5) Increase of the number of kilometers in the capacities of long distance.
6) Correction of data on certain engines (thanks to MichelP).
7) Starting up of the game at 6 am in the morning with 176 000€.
8) Decrease of the duration of the hurry up music to 10 minutes.
9) ) Decrease of the number of XP gained during a stroll (10 XP every 100 kilometers).
10) Decrease of the number of XP gained during a mission (10 XP every 100 kilometers).
11) Decrease of the number of XP gained when you drive on an undiscoevred road (20 XP every 100 kilometers).
12) Decrease of the number of XP won during a putting alongside the quay.
13) Decrease of the number of XP lost for late.
14) Decrease of the maximal ceiling of loan.
15) Duration of authorized overdraft crossed in 30 days.
16) Much longer durations of refund.
17) Expenses of abandonment of a trailer reduced to 1 200€.
18) Expenses of the drivers are more realistic.
19) More realistic rises of sun and night.
20) Modification complete of system of points of experience.
21) Modification of a part of icons (thanks to James Le Bavard).
22) Modification of the sum of the loans.
23) Modification of the parameters of the camera.
24) Opacity of the night increased in 90%.
25) Loss of XP on a trailer decreased to 1 XP by % of damages and to 1 % by % of damages.
26) Loss of the money on a trailer decreased in 10€ by % of damages and in 1 % by % of damages.
27) Possibility of making loans without any mission made.
28) Prices of accessories decreased in 90% on average so they are more realistic (even those of ALL THE DLCs excluded Flags DLC which is realistic).
29) Price of the fines fixed according to the French regulations.
30) Price of the cargoes more realistics.
31) Price of the reduced garages of 90%.
32) Realistic price of the fuel in all the countries (week 1).
33) Reduction of the consumption of the drivers in the kilometer, between 0,2 and 0,3 liters.
34) Reduction of the probability that a driver has no trailer in 0%.
35) Reduction of the damages caused by a driver in 0%.
36) Important reduction of the prices of deliveries (0,6€/km).
37) Reduction of the price of the diesel oil in garages crossed in 20%.
38) Reductions of the deadlines of delay (8 hours for the non-urgent deliveries, 4 hours for the normal and the 1 hour for the urgent against 2 days, 12 hours and 4 hours).
39) Occasions of trucks in 75% of their initial prices.
40) Interest rate of the loans reduced to 5%.
41) Exchange rate of the realistic currencies (week 1).
42) Time of modified rest (45 minutes of break every 4:30).
43) The past average speed of the drivers from 62 to 70 kph (so your drivers drive faster).
Ficfic & thanks to Hugo Coytte, James LeBavard, MichelP, and American-Express
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