Bank Data:
– period of time for bank loan repayment:
100 000,-€ payed in 52 weeks (1 year, daily installment = 300,-€ / overpay = 9 200,-€)
200 000,-€ payed in 102 weeks (2 years, daily installment = 330,-€ / overpay = 35 620,-€)
350 000,-€ payed in 156 weeks (3 years, daily installment = 390,-€ / overpay = 73 150,-€)
500 000,-€ payed in 204 weeks (4 years, daily installment = 430,-€ / overpay = 114 040,-€)
Economy Data:
– truck refund is 45% of original price
– small garage costs 100 000,-€
– garage upgrade costs 60 000,-€
– productivity plan for: tiny garage is 5 000,-€
small garage is 30 000,-€
large garage is 60 000,-€
– fuel discount in your garage is 25%
– abandoned job fine is 6 000,-€
– cargo damage cost is -2,50€ per 1% of damage
– cargo damage cost factor is -2% of total cost penalty per 1% of damage
– hired driver’s basic salary is cca 70,-€ per day (25 550,-€/year) + 0,35€/km revenue
– driver hire cost is 1500,-€
– skill distance limits have been changed
– when you buy your own truck your salary is going raise to cca 120,-€ per day
(43 800,-€/year) + 0,75€/km revenue
Experience Bonuses:
– XP damage cost is -3XP per 1% of cargo damage
– XP damage cost factor is -2% of total XP per 1% of cargo damage
Special Event Data:
– you can take your first loan after 20 jobs
– levels (Lv) for credit rise (CR):
Lv5=CR = 130 000,-€
Lv10=CR = 500 000,-€
Lv15=CR = 1 000 000,-€
Lv20=CR = 1 500 000,-€
– first dealer is unlocked after 30 mins
Police Data Fines*:
– car crash: 150,-€
– avoid sleeping: 100,-€
– wrong way: 100,-€
– speeding (camera): 60,-€
– no lights at night: 50,-€
– red lights: 100,-€
– speeding: 60,-€
Mod have been tested with ETS2 v.1.38.x + DLC: Going East, Scandinavia,
Vive la France, Italy DLC, Beyond the Baltic Sea and Road to the Black Sea.
economy_138.scs – 109 KB