GPS RG PRO 2.0 Big Map Fix 1.35.x
I know that many people use map add-ons from the moders scene
Cannot perform one navigation for all modes
maps Therefore the map from the moders scene has been repaired
GPS RG PRO 2.0 Fix Big Map fixes GPS RG PRO 2.0 or GPS RG PRO 2.0 LED compatibility with map summary
Roextended 2.2 + RusMap + ProMods Middle-East + ProMods2,42
+ Southern Region
It’s just an add-on! This add-on will not work without the original GPS RG PRO 2.0 or GPS RG PRO 2.0 LED module:
Place GPS RG PRO 2.0 .scs or GPS RG PRO 2.0 LED above
map modes to give higher priority
GPS RG PRO 2.0 Fix (map name) .scs
place over GPS RG PRO 2.0 .scs or GPS RG PRO 2.0 LED.scs
Mod tested on version
Works well. If you notice any errors, let me know in the comments in the next version
1. RAR file and unpack
2. Place the SCS file in the mods folder
3. In the mod manager, place him first above Promods 2.42 + map Rus
4. Required game version 1.35 XXX
Author: RKM
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Download Link: Download mod