This is my first mod Custom Emblems & Custom LED Emblems for all scs trucks and various custom trucks. It is fully standalone, nothing is replaced.
If you find a nice logo that you want in your truck you can request that in the discussie forum, so I can see what I can do for you. I do not always have time to do it right away, so sometimes patience. If you have a custom truck, please pass the truck model and I will add it to the definitions.
Last update note v2.8
Added 8 new emblems on request.
RSC Anderlecht Emblem and LED
Danzig Emblem and LED
German State Flag Emblem and LED
Dunder Mifflin Emblem and LED
Legia Warschau Emblem and LED
Moved by Mammoet Emblem and LED
PACCAR Emblem and LED
Polar Express Emblem and LED
– Tested 1.30.xx
– Compatible with all scs trucks
– Scania RS & R4 (RJL), Scania T & T4 (RJL), Volvo FH16 2013 (Ohaha)
You need Cabin Accessories DLC
Download Link: Download mod