Game Version 1.27!!
Mod Version 1.0
I did 20 skins for the Kraker Trailer. Autor of the Trailer is Kast.
Original thread:
All credits for the Trailer goes to:
Kast, 50keda, Piva, MarcDo, Smarty
And i have to say thanks to ShirBlackspots who gave me some hints to change the files. 🙂
I used Kast files, but reworked them. So my skins will not replace any other skins from him, or anyone else.
You can play my and his mod toghter.
– Added my skins to the AI traffic.
– Cargo, yes there is. Same like from Kast, not changed.
– No errors or warnings. Clean game log.
It´s now my second paint job, so it can be still better.
20 skins from real companys in Europe. In order:
4 x Germany: Dewenter, Schockemöhle, Röttgers, Michelin,
1 x Belgium: Interim Cargo
1 x Luxemburg: Braun
4 x Holland: Gesink, Tromp, HFS, Jupiler
1 x France: Fournie
1 x Romania: Elka
1 x Hungaria: Rudolf
2 x Austria: Hofmann, Müller
2 x Denmark: Bryde, Larsen
1 x Finland: Nybrok
1 x Norge: Mavi
1 x Poland: Wichot
All credits for the Trailer goes to:
Kast, 50keda, Piva, MarcDo, Smarty
And i have to say thanks to ShirBlackspots who gave me some hints to change the files.
RudiKrakerSkins1.0.scs – 11.0 MB