Old Trucks AI Engine Sounds for Jazzycat Truck Pack v3.5 [1.34.x]
This sound pack includes sounds for all trucks from jazzycat pack, however it’s is called “Old Trucks Ai Engine Sounds”
because old engines are the best of this pack! besides personalized sounds, I increased the spawn of the
old trucks and I adjusted max_speed and torque for some trucks. the storage files of the main pack
have been also adjusted to match with the rules included in my Real Traffic Density mod. read the
section “How to use” below if you don’t use my traffic density mod.
How to use:
-you must place my mod above the main pack:
-don’t use this mod for older versions of the main pack, game will crash
-if you use this mod with newer versions of the main pack you won’t see the latest additions
-this mod works correctly only with my Real Traffic Density mod because some
of the trucks in this pack has been moved to bdf_trucks.
-if you want to use this pack with an older/newer version of the main pack, or without
my Real Traffic Density mod, you need to remove the 4 traffic_storage files from def/vehicle folder
Cipinho, Drive Safely, Jazzycat
Download Link: Download mod