Sound Fixes Pack v19.33
– Pack provides improvements to common sounds in the game. It includes euphonious, relaxing and real sounds.
– The goal of the mod is to make the game’s sounds feel like real life. The mod will have regular updates to cover more sounds to add immersion.
* ETS2 1.35.1 + ATS 1.35.1. No errors in game log. Must have high priority in Mod Manager.
* Compatible with all maps and all trucks, including truck mods.
* Does not replace individual truck sounds, so this mod can be used with an unlimited amount of truck sound mods of your choice.
* Supports compatibility with your favorite rain sound mods as this does not alter rain/thunder sounds. Check the load order image included for more details.
* If using any of Grimes’ seasonal mods, place the seasonal mod with higher priority than the Sound Fixes Pack for a more accurate seasonal experience.
* If using winter mods, please enable Frosty Winter Weather Sound addon with higher priority (in Options folder or Steam Workshop).
* Traffic density/behavior mods (in lower priority in Mod Manager) can enable the realistic sound ranges plugin from Sound Fixes Pack by inserting this line into def/traffic_data.sii: @include “traffic_data_update.sui”
CHANGELOG 19.33 – 1 new city loop sound added to array for city sounds.
* SCS Software for base sounds
* Drive Safely for sound edits, some sound samples, and for compiling mod
* antonvezdehod, Ludmilla and Katixa/Irreo for some tire sounds
* Balamut for some key swing and light suspension sounds
* AlexeyP for some trailer coupling, gate/barrier and fuel pump sounds, and sounds from Improved Environment Sound
* cipinho for some AI traffic sounds
* kriechbaum for light switch, blinker off, and high beam stick sounds
* Slider_556 for cleaning suspension sound effects
* Vasily EVR for some engine and horn sounds from the DAF XF 105, DAF XF 106, and the 1st gen Scania R.
Download Link: Download mod