Sound Fixes Pack v19.38 (1.36.x)
Compatibility update for ETS2 1.36.0 open beta. [ATS edition]
Applied real horn sounds for Tesla Model S in AI traffic. [ETS2 edition]
Added real engine sound for 11th generation Toyota Corolla (E170) in AI traffic. [ETS2 edition]
-1 new real engine sound + 2 new real horn sounds for 3rd generation Hyundai Santa Fe Sport in AI traffic. [ATS edition]
Motorbike sounds brought back for the Honda CB600 Hornet and the Harley Davidson in Jazzycat’s Motorcycle Traffic Pack 3.5. [ATS edition]
Applied real engine + real horn sounds for new trucks in Painted Truck Traffic Pack v2.6 by Jazzycat. [ATS edition]
Applied real engine + real horn sounds for new trucks in Painted Truck Traffic Pack v8.8 by Jazzycat. [ETS2 edition]
– Pack provides improvements to common sounds in the game.
It includes euphonious, relaxing and real sounds.
– The goal of the mod is to make the game’s sounds feel like real life.
The mod will have regular updates to cover more sounds to add immersion.
Thus the Steam Workshop version is highly recommended for quicker updates.
* ETS2 1.35.1 + ATS 1.35.1. No errors in game log. Must have high priority in Mod Manager.
* Compatible with all maps and all trucks, including truck mods.
* Does not replace individual truck sounds, so this mod can be used with an unlimited amount of truck sound mods of your choice.
* Supports compatibility with your favorite rain sound mods as this does not alter rain/thunder sounds.
Check the load order image included for more details.
* If using any of Grimes’ seasonal mods, place the seasonal mod with higher priority than
the Sound Fixes Pack for a more accurate seasonal experience.
* If using winter mods, please enable Frosty Winter Weather Sound addon
with higher priority (in Options folder or Steam Workshop).
* Traffic density/behavior mods (in lower priority in Mod Manager) can enable the realistic
sound ranges plugin from Sound Fixes Pack by inserting this line
into def/traffic_data.sii: @include “traffic_data_update.sui”[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Minimum requirements]Minimum requirements
Requires higher priority in Mod Manager than:
– any map mods (e.g. ProMods, RusMap, etc.)
– any AI traffic mods (e.g. Jazzycat’s traffic packs)
– any AI traffic density/behavior mods (e.g. those listed in section below)
List of supporting traffic density/behavior mods
The following traffic density/behavior mods have enabled the realistic AI Traffic
sound range effect plugin from the Sound Fixes Pack:
-Real Traffic Density by Cip [ETS2]
-Real Traffic Density and Ratio by Cip [ATS]
-Rudi’s Rush Hour [ETS2]
-Traffic density and speedlimits by piva [ETS2]
-Improved AI Traffic by FX2K [ETS2]
Tested on game version 1.35.x, 1.36.x
* SCS Software for base sounds
* Drive Safely for sound edits, some sound samples, and for compiling mod
* antonvezdehod, Ludmilla and Katixa/Irreo for some tire sounds
* Balamut for some key swing and light suspension sounds
* AlexeyP for some trailer coupling, gate/barrier and fuel pump sounds, and sounds from Improved Environment Sound
* cipinho for some AI traffic sounds
* kriechbaum for light switch, blinker off, and high beam stick sounds
* Slider_556 for cleaning suspension sound effects
* Vasily EVR for some engine and horn sounds from the DAF XF 105, DAF XF 106, and the 1st gen Scania R.
Download Link: Download mod