Sounds for BDF Trucks in Traffic Pack by JC v6.9 [1.36.x]
Changelog v6.9:
Fixed bugs
changelog v6.8:
– all trucks until v6.8 received personalized sounds
– added personal tweaks for country spawn especially for bdf trailers with dolly (remove def/country folder from my sound pack to get the original country spawn)
Personalized sounds for ALL Painted BDF Traffic Pack by Jazzycat. this mod includes also some small tweaks of the max_speed values and torque for some trucks.
-this mod works correctly with Real Traffic Density mod because all trucks from this pack were transferred as bdf_trucks with own spawn through my traffic mod. some trucks will spawn as city_trucks.
-since the addition of bdf trailers with dolly, I increased the country spawn of these. if you want to have the default spawn I suggest to remove from my sound pack the folder def/country
-if you want to use this pack with an older/newer version of the main pack, or without my Real Traffic Density mod, you need to remove the 4 traffic_storage files from def/vehicle folder
-if you chose to play without my traffic mod and you removed the indicated files, I recommend to remove also the def/country folder from my mod, otherwise you may see too many bdf trucks in the game.
Main Mod:
Cipinho, Drive Safely
Download Link: Download mod