NTM Semi and Full-Trailers v1.1.1 by Kast
NTM Trailers
All the trailers have two variants, one with Thermoking cooler and one without it.
I hope everything works and there is no major bugs. Hope you guys like it!
-Game version 1.30.x
-Advanced coupling
-Trailer lift axle
-Company paintjob system
-Animated braces
Changes v1.1.1
-vertex paint adjusted, not so gray
-dolly advance coupling adjusted
Special thanks to Abasstrepas and 50keda for the wheels. Ogentor and ReyhanRamadhan for the amazing skins
Kast, SCS, Ogentor, ReyhanRamadhan, Abasstrepas, 50keda
Download Link: Download mod