Hi let me tell you all a little story about this wonderfull truck, and the friendship between me and it’s builder.
My dad was all his life a trucker but any times he became a sick heart and he must move from his job as trucker. He was sad cause trucking was his life and i want make him happy. I knew that his lovely truck was our Iveco 190.38 Special and get an idea. So i ordered the truck as singlepiece at one of my best friends and legends of the scene cause i trust him to make my dad happy with this present. If my dad can’t make his job more, i buy him ETS2 and the truck he loves only for him, so i was thinking.
Two years later the truck was finished and i payd much money for it with all right on the model and we made agreement that is unique and only made for me. I was so happy cause i saw the happy eyes from my dad as he get it from me. He plays day and night and became little times later very good feeling. All was ok and i ordered more trucks at Ventyres and started to pay every month little money.
And than the big shock came. I see my as unique ordered and payd truck at another guy. This was the start of the end of a long trusty friendship between me and Ventyres. I asked him more times what and why he did this to me and was realy sad but no reaction from him comes back. Then i stopped paying money for the new orders and than i get an answere from him. He say he is not working for nuts, cause one times my bank have any problems and he don’t get one part of money. He did it with the opinion that he only use what is his … the money. That was all. Very sad.!! Now my dad is dead … and Ventyres is still selling the truck to others and don’t tell them nothing about it’s story … so maybe some of you can feel what this truck was for me and my dad. I found no words for this all if someone only think on money and all the time we was friends lies into my eyes. Money is not all in the life. For me friendship is more.
The only way stop him to make money and cheating others too is release this wonderfull truck to you all. In memorys of my dead dad and for a good time in the future.
Sad times, but this story shows that’s not more possible trust anyone.
Greetings to all and have much fun with it.
Iveco_190-38_Special.scs – 63.3 MB