Mercedes mp2 updated v RC 3.9 1.35.x
Current Mod Version 3.9
Changelog 3.9:
fixed wiper problem for 1.35.
fixed dashboard and gauges problem for 1.35.
fixed chassis weights and tire travels.
added new rooflights.
improved ınterıor and exterıor sounds.
game version 1.35.
Changelog 3.8:
fixed gauges.
adapted 1.35 sold in mod truck dealer.
fixed head lights.
truck mapped by capital.
added 8×4 Chassis.
added fenders, now you can choose open/close fenders.
added mufflers, now you can choose short, big, stock muffler.
added some new upgrades.
added tandem addon.
added new v6 and v8 sound by leen, reworked by me.
added new signs by tobrago.
reworked all chassis variants.
reworked ext-interior.
Changelog 2.1:
fixed outside wipers
fixed chassis plate
fixed all truckpaints parts, now all the parts matching the color paint.
fixed mettalic paints job
fixed truckpaint brightness and reflexion
fixed visible poligons on all truck paints parts
fixed front wheels position
added new sideskirt variant “plastic”
added proper high quality mp2 gauges , special thanks to R3ap3r for the help! with the gauges
added another interior variant with integrated GPS
little Rework on all interiors.
improved back of the bottom bumper now looks better if you dont install that part
improved outside glass reflection
just drag your mod folder and activete it!
respect orgınal link and respect my job have FUN ALL!
Download Link: Download mod