This pack contains 4 scs files for your choice.
* BDF tandem pack by flemming v version61.only the coolliner,coolliner short and the coolliner long are reskint the rest is original.
* Ristimaa Volvo = 1 skin scs file for 2 trucks: the Volvo fh 2012 (game version) and the Ohaha Volvo fh 2013.
* Volvo fh 2013 Tandem and Assessories.You need this for a longer coolliner on the Ohaha tanden (tandem from Ohaha is short) 1.1
*Jali_Apache_trailer original Jali bloemen trailer reskint.. is a cool trailer for people that dont want to drive the tandem version.(your choice)
John W
Ristimaa_Apache_pack_UNZIP_ME.zip – 652.7 MB uploadfiles.eu/sharemods.com