Volvo F10-12 by mjtemdark (1.33.x)
Volvo F10-F12(1977-1987)
-Low cab and Globetrotter
-4×2,6×2 short[midlift,taglift, taglift single], 6×2 long(taglift taglift single), 6×4 short and long, 8×4 oversize.
-Independent Interiors
-Various Accessories
-Independent Sound
-Fixed kerb_weight bug
-Fixed truck dealer error
-Added two original transmissions (14 speed)
-Fixed some mirror textures
-Change Sound
-Fixed icon materials
-Remove fake single-rear-wheel definitions
-Some def changes
Structure changed and some missing accessories may show, for remove do the following
-Activate game-console
-Type “g_remove_missing_accessories=1” without quotes.
-Save game and reload
If you still have errors please buy the truck again
-To prevent errors please remove all fake single-rear-wheel accessories(tires, rims, nuts, hubs) for this truck before upgrade and use the single rear wheel chassis variants
Stas556,Chris, Gandorin,Mjtemdark, Ventyres
Download Link: Download mod