VOLVO F10-F12 V1.0
Changes by Truckercharly:
– fixed lowcab missing interior top in exterior sight
– deleted top lamps from lowcab
– added all known gearboxes (SR 70 12+2spd and SR 62 16 spd) with all original ratios and dif ratios (datas by original pricelist from 1985 for F10 and F12 in the info folder). Supported Volvo 12+2 gearconfig for Logitech G27.
– engine datas are now original, datas taken from a tab of enginedatas of all volvo engines (look at the jpg)
– added factory skin like the skin in “Auf Achse” at Volvo F12 driven by Günther Willers and
– added Willers original license plate ( M-ET 2626 ) and the T.I.R sign on the original position at 4×2 chassis (all other chassis has rng license plates)
– changed frame color into the similiar red like the same truck
– 2 different kinds in the truck dealer: one with 800 l round tank and one with 1200 l square tank, all chassis are possible in both versions
– added optional fan in the top left corner of the cab
– added 2nd toyhang; suitable rooffan and cb radio for it
– added some stuff from the good old age like kienzle papers (taken from my first modding crime ;-), the F16 with 8 interiors, a real crime )
– added the new dashboard, taken from the volvo F12-F16 series by Mahyar Ghasemi and MR Reza
– added Deutransskins
the sound will be selected by the tube NOT by the engine!!!
the 8×4 chassis is only suitable for engines with more then 356 hp!!!
Ventyres, Stas556, mjtemdark, Chris Simos, Papadopoulos, Mahyar Ghasemi, MR Reza, Truckercharly
Volvo_F10_F12_4x2-8x4_edit_by_truckercharly__1.27_… – 124.9 MB