WESTERN STAR 4800 V2.0 (1.27)
Changes: Adaptation under 1.27, updated all 3D models for a new patch, fixed small bugs in the log!
In the archive: Western Star, template, archive with green interior lighting, a mod that removes the default steering wheel from an external truck model. (When connecting, the steering wheels will be lost from all trucks). Connect as desired.
The log is clean! Version 1.27
1 cabin
4 chassis
23 engine
4 transmissions
Your interior (4 options)
Their sounds
Their wheels
Supports painting in metallic
A lot of tuning and skins
Mod supports DLC Cabin Accessories and DLC National Window Flag
– Jekich1, SCS: 3D model.
– Virat 3D interior
– RTA Modifications Envelope in the game version 6.1 and 6.2
– Stas556: Envelope in the game to version 6.0.
– Fire-Blade: Co-author of an envelope in the game.
– Kriechbaum: Sounds, engines, transmission.
– NN-Michael: Technical support.Textures
– Evelin_Sophie: Renault T Skin Pack.Technical support, testing, shields
– Smith: baking, help with animation, template.
– Adaptation under 1.27 – Phantom94, vovangt4.
Western_Star_4800_1.27.zip – 139.0 MB uploadfiles.eu/sharemods.com