MAN E6 D2676 ENGINE SOUND V1.0 1.39
Finished Man E6 engine sound, as i said earlier, i recorded it with Zoom H5, and the result is pretty good!
This mod works only in 1.39!
There are many changes in 1.39 for the sounds, scs changed the definitions.
So in this mod you will have all the interior accessories original sounds, plus the air gear, air brakes original sounds, like we had before 1.37.
Many people asked me to make it work with the Madster’s Man E6, but i did it for it as well.
You need for this, his truck, a fix of his truck and sound mod for the Madster’s Man. Sound mod must be in high priority, just above the fix, and the truck.
Link 3 tires_sounds
Also, i have tires sounds back in game, you can hear them in this video
They also come as a separated mod.
Man_E6_D2676_sound_mod_ZIPPED.rar – 7.2 MB