MAN TGX E6 2015 V1.2 1.41.X
This is a completely new version of MAN TGX E6 from Madster!
Features :
7 chassis options.
3 cabins.
Many engines to choose from 360 to 640 forces.
3 versions of the cabin.
Fully adapted to the version of the game 1.40!
Added a lot of absolutely new tuning!
Fully clean log, mod does not lag and does not eat FPS!
New sounds are prescribed (Kriechbaum)
All switches in the cabin animated!
Added an animated tachograph!
Fashion is unlocked by me. And open to edit!
Changes in 1.2.
Updated under 1.41.
Added now full-fledged DLC support – Cabin Accessories.
Added the ability to install in interiors, radio and ipad in the form of a navigator (model classes are taken from Man’a Gloover’a) on all cabins.
Added slots for the installation of fire extinguishers from the rear of the cabin (as well as from Man’a Gloover’a)
Added slots to install tablets (TIR, ADR etc.)
The archive also lies “toner.scs” to put it if you want a green tint on the side windows.
man.tgx2018_extract_this.rar – 100.30 MB