MERCEDES-BENZ L/LS 1111 1.36 V1.3
Mercedes-Benz L/LS 1111 is a classic oldschool truck from 1963.
The ingame truck is fully autonomous and its model has a good quality. The interior is very unique as well.
This truck supports all the main game functions of 1.36 version: working cables, correct wipers, different and custom colors, different tuning modules, animations and so on.
The authors of the original mod are: Rotas Brasil team, Gabriel Borges, Henrique Miotto. Gustavo Siebel
I am the author of this fix, and here is the list what it includes:
Changelog v1.3
– fixed cables
– fixed wiper length
– revised tuning:
a) new engines (110-212 hp)
b) new transmissions (5 and 10-speed)
c) fixed chassis (realistic weight and tank size)
d) more colors available
– added missing icons
– the truck appears in truck companies
– the truck appears in the truck gallery
– fixed speedometer animation
– fixed sounds
– other minor fixes
Rotas Brasil team, Gabriel Borges, Henrique Miotto. Gustavo Siebel
updated brave_river
MB1111.scs – 194822090