PETERBILT 387 V1.3 (UPD 27.09.21) ETS2 1.41
Changelog v1.3 from 27.09.21
New tuning details are added: carpets in the salon for the Cabin Midroof / Sleeper, the fever of the steering wheel in various colors, electronic clock on the instrument panel, the new color version of the curtain (green), various cabin accessories with Peterbilt symbolics;
The own localization has been added (localization is maintained in Russian and English, the English version is used for other languages);
The on-board computer buttons are transferred in an exclusive interior option, corrected settings for some of the materials of the dashboard elements;
Other minor edits of materials, textures, models and regulations.
In the archive
Peterbilt_387_v1.3.141_ats.scs truck
Peterbilt_387_v.1.3.141_addon_ets2.scs Patch to adapt PeterBilt 387 in ETS2
Peterbilt_387_v.1.3.141_addon_ets2_mirrors_fov.scs Addon work of capotic mirrors in ETS2 to set above all mods
Peterbilt_387_v.1.3.141_addon_license_plates_eu.scs Addon adds European numbers
Peterbilt_387_v.1.3.141_addon_camera_smrc.scs Stephing Camera (for lovers)
Peterbilt_387_v.1.3.141_smp_compatibility.scs Addon adding SISL’S MEGA PACK support
Peterbilt_387_v.1.3.141_addon_dlc ST_ETS2.SCS adds compatibility with DLC Special Transport
Peterbilt_387_v.1.3.141_addon_dlc goodyear_ets2.scs Adds compatibility with DLC Goodyear
Peterbilt_387_v.1.3.141_addon_dlc CA_ETS2.SCS Adds compatibility with DLC Cabin Accesories
Peterbilt_387_v.1.3.141_addon_50 Skins Pack by Muhabzzz.scs Pak Skins from Muhabzz
Ch_Vitalik is an external model.
Kirilloid22 – refinement of the external model, external tuning, sounds, textures, refinement of the bortovik.
Dmitry68 – engines, gearbox.
Gosha Motor – interior, alteration of textures of an external model, tuning, wheels, animation (completely new).
Solaris36 – US and Canada license plate models.
vitalik062 – a set of registration license plates of different countries of Europe.
il_86 – update the mod to the current version of the game, bug fixes, revision.
Peterbilt_387_v1.3.141_ets2.rar (153.5 MB)
When is 1.42 or 1.43 version it??