Changes in V2.6.1:
– Added chassis “KamAZ neo” from the map “Southern region 7.2.0”.
– Remade the brakes (made a little softer and adjusted the balance, temperature, speed, effort)
– Small changes in the behavior of the cabin and pneumatic seating (under the brakes).
– Corrected the load on the axis.
– Other behavior as in V 2.6.
– Improved physics of suspension, cab, engine, transmission, brakes, pneumatic seat, cameras in the cabin.
– Supports all default trailers, and also added: Scania RS [RJL]; Scania 143m; Iveco 190-38 Special; KamAZ 54-64-65; MAZ-5432-6422.
– On all added tracks corrected rotary axes.
– Everything is tested.
– I tested on average engines 500-540 l / s. Cruising speed along motorways 90-105 km / h with a cargo of 20-25 tons. With cargo 40 tons 80-95 km / h. The cargo is 60-65 tons. 70-85 km / h.
– Up to 110 km / h little where you will be dispersed, only under a hill or constantly gas in the floor. The cargo behind the back is felt, the rises are not even big, with a good roll on, and climbing the mountain.
– The sensitivity of the steering wheel, adjust the settings of the game for you.
– For those who are not fond of changes in management, in the archive
there is a second file with standard control
(Physics_of_the_truck_V2.6.1_standard_control_from_ ~ Tok ~).
– P.S. The files are locked, except for the chassis, when adding and editing the chassis, when saving, it will ask for the password, just click “ok”.
Test for version 1.31.x
Author: ~ Tok ~
– Put in the Mod folder, connect it to the mod manager.
Physics_of_the_truck_V_2.6.1_from__Tok_.rar – 250161