SIBIRMAP V2.1.2B 1.42
Map changes in version 2.1.2b:
Adaptation for game version 1.42.
Non content update.
Map changes in version 2.1.2:
Added: territories of Bashkiria and Orenburg region (Tyulgan, Isyangulovo). A beautiful area is the mountainous Urals.
Expanded Chelyabinsk, added a new city district and district Chelyabinsk (owed money from the last release). Conditions have been created for development in the direction of Ufa, Kurgan, Yekaterinburg.
The Map of Siberia project is being revived, now it is a project for the default module (europe), at a default scale of 1:19.
Docking with the classic set of projects RusMap + SouthernRegion + GreatSteppe + VOLGAMAP.
Otherwise, the principles are unchanged:
– Detailed study of the area
– Custom objects
– Construction on panoramas and satellite images
– Correct backing and docking of the maps.
The author of objects: Denis DENLOG, Alexander Odintsov.
Technical support, tests: Alive55, Artyom Kazantsev, Artyom Polynsky, Yulia Tkachenko
sibirmap2.1.2b.mapdef.scs (19.9 MB)
sibirmap2.1.2b.model.scs (455.2 MB)
Selam bu ETS 2,ye güncelleme ile eklenseydi daha güzel bişi olabilirdi bence birde türkiye haritanın karadeniz illeri ilçeleri güncelleme ile eklense harika ve süper olurdu ve karadeniz bölgelerine olan rize trazon ordu artvin giresun çayeli gibi karadeniz bölgeleri eklense güzel olurdu onuda bizahmet güncelleme ile ekleseniz sizden rica ediyom bunu…..?))