v22.08 – replaced 2 suspension / tire bump sounds.
– The ultimate variety of suspension and tire bump sounds when driving over curbs or bumps in the road.
– Fuel / gas station sounds.
– Door close and seatbelt sounds after refueling.
– Train sound enhancements, including comprehensive sounds for all base game locomotives in American Truck Simulator.
– Real tire and road noise for all terrains: asphalt, gravel, grass, and sleeper lines.
– Nokia phone ringtone sound replacing the hurry up / late music, leading to less stress for the player.
– Default common sound reworks, such as improved default air brake sounds and a softer default reverse beep.
– AI traffic vehicle sound improvements, including sounds for Jazzycat’s Motorcycle Traffic Pack.
– English UK/US voice navigation variants with speaker effect added and no unrealistic phrases.
– Wind buffeting and rush of air sounds at high speeds only when the window is open.
– Location based sounds of environment.
– Sounds for animated objects such as F22 jet fighters and biplanes.
– Trailer coupling and trailer brace rotation sounds.
– Two standalone air horns.
– Softer mix for the Musical Road in American Truck Simulator’s Historic Route 66.
– Dynamic exterior and interior rain sounds, and an assortment of varying thunder sounds with delay.
– The default wiper sound may now squeak only when the windshield is dry.
– (Optional) Reefer / refrigerated trailer sound functionality that can be activated by trailer mods.
Drive Safely
sound_fixes_pack_v22_08_ets2.scs (25.9 MB)