Mercedes-Benz 1632 NG v1.0.2 [1.42 – 1.43]
Changelog v 1.0.2:
Truck now shows up in Heavy Haul & Special Transport jobs. Equipped with a 500hp engine and 6×6 chassis.
Now has 8 different engines available in Quick Jobs, ranging from 280hp to 443hp.
All chassis now equipped with reversing lights and reversing flares, I have modelled these from scratch, Should make reverse parking at night a breeze now.
Adjusted wheel offset on all chassis to better match the real life representation.
New V6 Engine sounds from Kriechbaum.
Now has a reverse beep, horn, louder indicator sounds and window animation sounds.
Fixed several vertex colour issues.
It is now Convoy ready!
Ekualizer for the original truck. Antonio62 for steering wheel anim fixes. Mercedes_2632 and Slav Jerry for Engines & Sounds. azumukupoe for mirror defs. Dotec for window animation. Kriechbaum for new V6 Engine sounds.
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