Road to Athens + ProMods 2.68 & West Balkans DLC Merge Connections and Fixes v1.0 1.49
This package merges ProMods 2.68 & West Balkans DLC Merge v1.2 with Road to Athens.
Also critical bugs fixes, which include:
-added a lot more sea alongside roads
-better looking and lees buggy connections with ProMods Greece
-fixed position on the map for some roads
-fixed city names and position for all greek cities
-fixed license plates and applied appropriate city codes
-fixed recache issue that happend in Road to Athens v1.6
-refreshed terrains and roads
-added one more tourist city
-added greek language localization for all cities
This file must be placed above ProMods 2.68 West Balkans Merge v1.2.
Before placing this in the load order open ROAD_TO_ATHENS_v1.6.scs file via 7-zip or WinRAR and delete two folders:
1) map folder
2) def folder
For full instructions please read the mod description ingame
Download Link: Download mod