Northern Scandinavia v0.98.5

New version officially released of the standalone ETS2 map Northern Scandinavia

– The installation is very simple. If you have my map mod already, replace all the new three files with the existing ones.
– Make sure you set the game module on “Test1.mdb”, not “europe.mdb”, or the game will just crash, because this is a standalone map which is replacing the original map.

Bugs fixed that are discovered in v0.981:
– Invisible wall at gas station near intersection to Stille Dal/Alstad
– Truck dealer at Fauske fixed
– Blockade at intersection near the harbour in Bodø.

Bugs that are not fixed:
– Location of the map
– Correct value while passing toll stations
– Rain in some tunnels

– v1.17

New features in v0.98.5:
– More construction sites along the Rv80 road. Some scenery added outside Bodø, lamp posts etc…
– The new 4-lane Rv80 road between Vikan and Hunstad will be opened in v1.0
– Mostly all country roads changed to traditional Norwegian roads with yellow road stripes than white ones.
– Tunnel models for some tunnels changed to the DLC Scandinavia tunnels
– Added DLC Scandinavia toll stations
– City limit signs changed to Norwegian ones
– Map overlay sign added(E6)

New cities:
– Rognan(Not completed)
– Reine(Not completed)

Chris94_NOR(map developer)

Northern_Scandinavia_v0.98.5_v1.17x_compatibility.rar – 62.5 MB

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