Cargo Market Icon Fix for Satyanwesi’s Shipping Container Cargo Pack v2.2 [1.38.x]
Hello all,
This is Satyanwesi. Here is a fix for all Cargo icons that appear as a green box in the cargo market for my mod.
All Cargo ui icons have been fixed and new ui look added.
1. Download material.rar file and extract material folder.
2. Now Copy/paste or drag/drop the material folder inside the
“SHIPPING CONTAINER CARGO PACK v2.2 .zip” mod archive.
That’s it.
Now open the game and enjoy.
Original Mod Link:
NOTE: Cargo icon fix only works on v2.2 version of Shipping Container Cargo Pack. Also working on ATS cargo pack icons. Stay Tuned!
Special Thanks to Seifer1968
for helping with resource files.
Thank you All.
Seifer1968, Satyanwesi
Seifer1968, Satyanwesi
Download Link: Download mod