Brazil Map v3.1

New in this version: (Changes Hundreds made in other versions continue)

– Creation of Linking Road and saw Rio to Teresopolis.
– Creation of the Serra de Petrópolis.
– Reshaping the entire BR-381 between São Paulo and Belo Horizonte (now fully duplicated).
– Reshaping all the Via Dutra (Rio – São Paulo), now fully duplicated and with direct access (not out of a road to get into another).
– Remodeling of the Rio-Bahia (Do Rio BR-116 until Feira de Santana), now fully in single lane.
– Created the trunking of Queenship of BR-262 with the Rio-Bahia, it was much like the real trunking.
– Remodeling of the entire BR-040 between Rio and Belo Horizonte (now dual carriageway without center partition and no shoulder in Outside judge stretch of BH, as in
real life).
– Added some earth roads in the Amazon region.
– Added 80 more cities to the map, that’s right 80 cities (all representing, in the future the idea is to transform them into functional).
– Added the only two Brazilian Capital missing (Boa Vista and Macapá).
– Built road between Manaus and Boa Vista (through Caracaraí).
– Built road (Bridge and Dam on the Amazon River), linking Bethlehem to Macapa.
– Added fixed models of buses on the main road and some fuel stations (by Erisson and Countach).
– Refurbished accesses the cities of Belo Horizonte, Tres Hearts and São Paulo, to increase the distance and makes it more into reality.
– Created the Sierra de Igarapé.
– Built Serra da Cantareira.
– Built BR-153 (Belém-Brasilia highway), linking Brasilia to Palmas, with many ups and downs as in real life.
– Added several informational signs on the roads.
– Traffic of Brazilian vehicles (by jazzycat), 3 models of bus, Kombi, Goal, Uno, Palio, Fox, Charger, Opal, Beetle and many others
– Created the ring road of Belo Horizonte.
– Changed the cycle day / night to the reality of Brazil, now gets dark at 18:00 and begins to dawn 05:00, no nights
sunny as in the original map.
– Added the currency of Brazil “REAL” with conversion values ​​updated to the current exchange rate.
– Added Bus Stop in Royalty-MG and two in BR-381 between BH and São Paulo
– Edited stretch between Belo Horizonte and Governador Valadares, aiming to make the real distance (remains to be done between the curves

Fabiano Teixeira

MAPA_MOD_BRASIL_TOTAL_3_1.rar – 328.3 MB

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